Get ESX host CPU and Memory stats

Use the following CLI to get the state of your ESX hosts, the cpu and memory usage:

t-Datacenter | Sort | Get-VMHost | Sort | Get-View |`
Select Name, OverallStatus, `
@{N="CPU Usage (GHz)";E={[math]::round(
$_.Summary.QuickStats.OverallCpuUsage/1024,2)}}, `
@{N="Memory Usage (GB)";E={[math]::round(

Add line 7 to it to get all status except green:

Get-Datacenter | Sort | Get-VMHost | Sort | Get-View | `
Select Name, OverallStatus, `
@{N="CPU Usage (GHz)";E={[math]::round(
$_.Summary.QuickStats.OverallCpuUsage/1024,2)}}, `
@{N="Memory Usage (GB)";E={[math]::round(
$_.Summary.QuickStats.OverallMemoryUsage/1024,2)}} | `
Where { $_.OverallStatus -ne "green" }


Windows Server Virtualization Links

At the customers site we are calculating Microsoft Licenses to buy for a new environment. A few links with a lot of information about microsoft licensing and vmware:

Windows Server Virtualization Calculators

Edition comparison by Technical Specification

Overview of Licensing for Virtualization

Licensing Microsoft Windows Server 2008 to Run with Virtualization Technologies