Change all ESX root passwords

Another great script from Arnim van Lieshout.

With this script you can change all ESX root passwords at once:

# This script changes the root password on all ESX hosts in the esxservers.txt textfile

# Add VI-toolkit #
Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
Initialize-VIToolkitEnvironment.ps1# Get old root credential
$oldrootPassword = Read-Host “Enter old root password” -AsSecureString
$oldrootCredential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist “root”,$oldrootPassword

# Get new root credential
$newrootPassword = Read-Host “Enter new root password” -AsSecureString
$newrootCredential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist “root”,$newrootPassword
$newrootPassword2 = Read-Host “Retype new root password” -AsSecureString
$newrootCredential2 = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist “root”,$newrootPassword2

# Compare passwords
If ($newrootCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -ceq $newrootCredential2.GetNetworkCredential().Password) {

 # Create new root account object
 $rootaccount = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostPosixAccountSpec
 $ = “root”
 $rootaccount.password = $newrootCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
 $rootaccount.shellAccess = “/bin/bash”

 # Get list of Host servers from textfile to change root password on
 Get-Content esxservers.txt | %{
  Connect-VIServer $_ -User root -Password $oldrootCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ConnectError | Out-Null
  If ($ConnectError -ne $Null) {
   Write-Host “ERROR: Failed to connect to ESX server:” $_
  Else {
   $si = Get-View ServiceInstance
   $acctMgr = Get-View -Id $si.content.accountManager
   Write-Host “Root password successfully changed on” $_
      Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False | Out-Null
Else {
Write-Host “ERROR: New root passwords do not match. Exiting…”

Example esxservers.txt:


Download: [wpdm_file id=9]

List all vm’s and total assigned diskspace

Looking for new scripts i’ve stumbled opon the following script to list all vm’s to an excel sheet and display the total assigned diskspace:

# Define Variables 
$outputFile = 'C:\VMDiskCapacity.csv' 
$VCServer = "" 
$username = "vcenter_admin" 
$pass = "password" 

# Add VI-toolkit # 
Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core 

# Connect server 
$VC = Connect-VIServer -Server "$VCServer" -User "$username" -Password "$pass" 

$myCol = @()    # Prepare output collection 
$VMs = Get-VM | sort Name    # Get all VMs (sorted) 
$counter = 0    # Initialize counter for progress bar 
ForEach ($VM in $VMs)    # Loop through VMs 
   $counter++    # Increase counter for progress bar 
   Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering disk information" -Status "Processing VM $VM" -PercentComplete (100*($counter/$VMs.count))    # Display progress bar 
   $myObj = "" | 
   select VM, TotalDiskSizeGB # Create output object 
   $myObj.VM = $VM.Name    # Virtual Machine Name 
   $TotalDiskSizeKB = 0 
   ForEach ($DISK in $VM.HardDisks)    # Loop through VM's harddisks 
      $TotalDiskSizeKB += $DISK.CapacityKB    
   $myObj.TotalDiskSizeGB = [math]::Round(($TotalDiskSizeKB * 1KB / 1GB),0) #Disk Size in GB 
   $myCol += $myObj    # Add output to collection 
$myCol | Export-Csv $outputFile -NoTypeInformation  # Export output to csv 

VMware ESX Datastore Reports – PowerShell

Using Microsft PowerShell and the VI Toolkit for Windos you can do some nice stuff. When looking for a way to make reports for a customer of my i’ve stumbled upon a few scripts.

All you have to do is to install Microsoft Powershell, VI toolkit for windows and have Office on your machine. When running the powershell script [wpdm_file id=”4″] i get the following output:

Datastore Chart

Contents of datastore.ps1:

if ((Test-Path  REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\OWC11.ChartSpace.11) -eq $False)
       Write-Host "This script requires Office Web Components to run correctly, please install these from the following website:"
connect-VIServer yourserver

$Caption = "Datastore Usage %"

$categories = @()
$values = @()
$chart = new-object -com OWC11.ChartSpace.11
$c = $chart.charts.Add(0)
$c.Type = 4
$c.HasTitle = "True"
$series = ([array] $chart.charts)[0].SeriesCollection.Add(0)

Get-datastore |Sort-Object FreeSpaceMB -Descending | foreach-object {

        $capacitymb = $_.CapacityMB
        $FreeSpaceMB = $_.FreeSpaceMB
        $UsedSpace = $capacitymb - $freespacemb

        $perc = $UsedSpace / $capacitymb * 100

        $categories += $_.Name
        $values += $perc * 1

$series.Caption = $Caption
$series.SetData(1, -1, $categories)
$series.SetData(2, -1, $values)
$filename = (resolve-path .).Path + "\Chart.jpg"
$chart.ExportPicture($filename, "jpg", 800, 500)
invoke-item $filename